Depois de ver este vídeo tive de me beliscar, abanar a cabeça repetidas vezes e contar até 10 bem alto enquanto dizia também: não sou lésbica.
Que mulherão!
Para mim o anúncio não funciona muito bem porque depois de vermos aquele avião percebemos que aquele soutien não faz milagres. A Mónica (trato-a por tu porque somos quase amigas. Ela é que não sabe) já e bem boa...por isso...aquele soutien só vem ajudar uma prateleira que já é boa.
Por isso...das 2 uma: ou compro o soutien porque ainda tenho esperança que me possa transformar em Belluci e fazer parar o trânsito (mesmo o de lisboa) ou não compro porque não acredito em milagres e sei que as minhas chiquitetas (não é só um termo carinhoso. Sao mm pequenas) nunca vão ficar como as do anúncio...nem mesmo quando chegarem aos 43 anos.
Resta-me ficar com o meu Snoopy e pedir ao Senhor que em vez de me engravidar, como fez à Outra, (pronto...ainda agora este blog começou e já tenho o ódio de pelo menos metade dos leitores católicos) me dê mais um bocadinho de carne (ou de silicone) para um dia comprar um soutien intimissimi...e já agora uma pernas daquelas...para comprar também o vestido.
Brincadeiras à parte...o anúncio está muito bem feito, a ideia é bastante original, as Mónicas estao bem boas e Lisboa também não está nada de se deitar fora.
After I saw this commercial I had to pinch myself and node my head several times saying loudly at the same time: I’m not lesbian.
What a Woman.
In my opinion the commercial doesn’t work very well because when we see that gorgeous woman we understand that the bra doesn’t do miracles. Monica (I call her by her first name because we are good friends…but she doesn’t know yet) it’s already very hot…so…that bra actually just makes her look even better (the cleavage helps).
So…I just have 2 chances: I buy the bra hopping that one day I can become a Belluci and make the traffic stop and man have pain in the neck turning around or I don’t buy it because I don’t believe in miracles and I know that my little boobs (and trust me when I say this is not just a nice way to talk about my boobs. They are really small) will never be like the ones in the commercial, even when I have 43 years old (like Monica, believe it or not).
So…I can only continue with my snoopy bra and ask the Lord that instead of getting me pregnant like he did to Maria (ok…this blog just started and I already have the hate of half of the catholic readers) he can give me a little bit more of meat (or silicone) so I can buy an intimissimi bra one day…and legs like Monica…so I can buy the dress also.
Now for real…the commercial is really well done, has an original idea (and several interpretations), all Monica’s are hot hot hot (the taxi driver in last place…) and Lisbon is also very well in the picture. It’s worth to see!
What a Woman.
In my opinion the commercial doesn’t work very well because when we see that gorgeous woman we understand that the bra doesn’t do miracles. Monica (I call her by her first name because we are good friends…but she doesn’t know yet) it’s already very hot…so…that bra actually just makes her look even better (the cleavage helps).
So…I just have 2 chances: I buy the bra hopping that one day I can become a Belluci and make the traffic stop and man have pain in the neck turning around or I don’t buy it because I don’t believe in miracles and I know that my little boobs (and trust me when I say this is not just a nice way to talk about my boobs. They are really small) will never be like the ones in the commercial, even when I have 43 years old (like Monica, believe it or not).
So…I can only continue with my snoopy bra and ask the Lord that instead of getting me pregnant like he did to Maria (ok…this blog just started and I already have the hate of half of the catholic readers) he can give me a little bit more of meat (or silicone) so I can buy an intimissimi bra one day…and legs like Monica…so I can buy the dress also.
Now for real…the commercial is really well done, has an original idea (and several interpretations), all Monica’s are hot hot hot (the taxi driver in last place…) and Lisbon is also very well in the picture. It’s worth to see!
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